Tuesday, November 4, 2014



Used this approach to create a canvas out of twine and wood. Finally painted each string independently with the hope to create an unexpected composition driven by the individuality of each string. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I have been using a lot of twine and wood in some of my most recent explorations.
I like the texture twine gives in relation to wood or other warmer materials such as collected foliage or other natural materials.

There is something about the under rated quality of twine and the overtly formal seriousness of wood.  It is also interesting to me how here twine begins to resemble the form of wood yet it still retains its authentic qualities.
Because I have mostly used wood as a base or dowels, it would be interesting to see how twine relates to wood in much more aggressive relationships and interactions. (i.e. using it beyond the base)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


The risk to explore, the different, the risks.
The return is much warmer. What once was threatening becomes welcoming.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


A Forest

The sun shinning through the foliage as the leafs sway back and forth, each with their own rhythm and light. That was the image that lingered in my head as I made this sculpture.

Materials Include: Twine, wooden dowels, aluminum wire, glue, India ink and collected foliage from a variety of trees and in different stages of their aging process. 

Monday, September 22, 2014


Bristol Board, Trace Paper, India Ink

The implied line weaves through the frame in the box penetrating through 3 layers. An imaginary interior, the permanent middle and the extruded exterior. 

The continuous line is implied, and it appears long but due to the geometry it is impossible to ever capture an all encompassing view of the box. A metaphor for the way our lives go about. They are long and we often perceive them as fractured, only being capable of remembering moments at a time but knowing that it is a connected whole. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

TOUCH /// memory

Abstracted Landscape 
Encapsulated moment

Materials Include Glue, wood, and collected items include: shells, sand, rocks, pine needles, algae, bark,  among others.

Collection of natural remnants of living organisms from Point Lobos Reserve Gibbson Beach.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wrinkled letter sized white paper to the point of personal comfort.